Autor: IBH


CREMATORY VIP Ticket – Upgrade Bitte beachte, dass Du im Besitz eines gültigen regulären Konzert- Tickets sein musst, um an einem VIP Upgrade teilnehmen zu können und um Einlass zum Konzert zu bekommen. Treffpunkt und Zeit werden Dir bis zu 3 Tage vor dem Konzert per Mail zugesandt. Deshalb ist es wichtig, dass Du bei…

Neue Live- und Bandfotos

Neue Live- und Bandfotos vom Auftritt im Hirsch Nürnberg vom 22.04.2019 ab sofort unter BAND -> BILDER.

Neues Video „Haus mit Garten“

CREMATORY veröffentichen mit „Haus mit Garten“ das 3. Video zum neuen Album „Monument“, welches am 15.05.16 erschienen ist. Das Video wurde erneut von Dirk Weiler und Brand-X-Films produziert. Das aktuelle Album „Monument“ ist über Steamhammer/SPV weltweit als DigiPak, 2LP und Download erhältlich und markiert unüberhörbar die Rückkehr zu metallischer Härte.

CREMATORY new Album out now!!!

  CREMATORY new Album out now!!! CD Digipack: Download: 2 Vinyl LP + CD:

CREMATORY enters studio – Back to the roots!

CREMATORY entered the Kohlekeller-Studios in September, to record their new studio album “Monument”, which will be released through Steamhammer/SPV, for their 25th band-anniversary, in Spring of 2016. You can be thrilled for what to expect, after the more modern and electronical chart album “Antiserum”! On the musical side it´s going to be harder and darker,…

CREMATORY found new guitarists!

After 17 years with CREMATORY, guitar player Matze decided to leave the band in early 2015, to concentrate on his private life and to explore new musical horizons. The successors are confirmed now, and it´s quite amazing, because for the first time ever, CREMATORY will play with two guitarists from now on. On one hand…

CREMATORY release new live video

CREMATORY will take a break from all their live-activities in 2015, to focus a 100% on the new album and it´s recording. All planed shows for 2015 had to be postponed to 2016, as in addition two of the band-members are realigning in business-matters. But CREMATORY won´t laze around, they started writing new songs in…

Looking for a new guitar player

CREMATORY are looking for a new guitar player – preferred with the ability to do vocals! Please send your applications, with video, to After 17 years with CREMATORY, Guitarist Matze decided to explore new musical territories and to re-arrange his private life. The band thank Matze from the bottom of their hearts, for the…

Antiserum hit the charts

CREMATORY’s album „Antiserum“ that has been produced and mixed at Kohlekeller has hit the German album charts at #66!